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An egg donor is a person who donates eggs for someone who cannot use her own eggs in order to achieve pregnancy. At North Cyprus IVF Center, majority of the egg donors who donate for our patients are young, international university students. While the international aspect gives us a wide range of donor selection to fit many ethnic backgrounds, some donor types are more easily matched than others due to our geographical location. For instance, someone looking for a mediterranean (Cyprus/Italian/Greek/Turkish) type of donor will have a greater selection of available donors as opposed to someone requiring a specific look that is not available in this geography. However, each patient is always given a number of donor options that match her donor specifications most closely. 

Egg donors undergo a very thorough screening program including:

- Full blood count

- Infectious disease screening

- Fertility assessment

- Region specific genetic screening (Sickle cell, beta thalassemia etc)

- Karyotype analysis

- Additional tests on request.

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Do I Need an Egg Donor?



Egg Donation IN Cyprus - IVF Treatment with Donor Eggs

Apart from the obvious factors such as menopause or having ovaries removed, it is important to make an assessment of your ovarian function before donor egg IVF treatment can be recommended. It should be kept in mind that eggs are not the only factor that can make it difficult to conceive. There might be other less obvious factors such as immune system issues, active infections or genetic problems that can contribute to the failure of pregnancy, therefore, an effective assessment of your fertility is important before proceeding with treatment. Assessment of fertility begins with the following:

- Hormone testing on day 2 or day 3 of your menstrual cycle. These hormones include FSH, LH, Estradiol, Prolactin, TSH and AMH. Once we have your hormone test results, we will be able to comment more on your reproductive function.

- A pelvic scan on day 2 or day 3 of your menstrual cycle is also important for an antral follicle count. By observing your ovaries, we can predict your likely response to ovarian stimulation. The pelvic scan is also important for an assessment of cervical and uterine conditions.

- If you have had a number of failed IVF cycles or have never been able to conceive even though your reproductive functions seem to be intact, it will also be important to test for certain infectious diseases.

- Depending on your testing and treatment history, a karyotype analysis and further genetic testing may be necessary. 

- If you have a history of repeated miscarriages, before considering egg donation as an option, it will be important to administer further testing to identify possible causes of miscarriages. In some cases, thrombophilia defects or other immunological issues might be causing early miscarriages, and using donor eggs will not solve the problem unless the specific condition is managed. 

IVF with Egg donation is the type of IVF treatment where the eggs of a young and healthy egg donor are used during an IVF cycle instead of the patient's own eggs. There might be a number of reasons why an egg donor might be needed for treatment. Patients who will require an egg donor can be listed as:

- Women who are premenopausal or menopausal, whose ovarian reserves have been highly depleted and the remaining oocyte quality has been highly compromised. This suggests that there is no longer healthy egg production that will allow for a successful pregnancy.

- Women with premature ovarian failure also require an egg donor. Premature ovarian failure refers to the loss of ovarian function before the age of 40. There are several reasons that can cause premature ovarian failure. Among these are genetic reasons, autoimmune issues, cancer treatment and surgical removal of excessive ovarian tissue. 

- Women who are at the risk of passing down a genetic disorder to their offspring. In some cases, some genetic disorders can be screened via pre-implantation genetic diagnosis so that the patients can use their own eggs for treatment, but have the embryos checked for genetic abnormalities, but in some cases, a donor use might be required. 

- Couples with repeated IVF failures can also sometimes benefit from donor egg IVF treatment if there is any suspicion that a possible oocyte defect might be causing these failures. 

- Women who are unhappy with their own physical or genetic traits and would like their children to have different traits can also opt for donor egg IVF treatment. 

- Same-sex male couples who wish to have a child with the help of a surrogate will also need an egg donor for their IVF cycle. For more information on our same-sex surrogacy program, please visit our official website.  

These are the main reasons why an egg donor IVF treatment might be needed. The main principle is; if, for any reason, a woman is unable to produce healthy, genetically intact and viable eggs for embryo creation, she will need an egg donor for her IVF treatment. Even though there are latest advances in reproductive medicine such as "cytoplasmic transfer", "Mini IVF" and other similar methods that aim to maximize egg quality in order to increase chances of success, it should be known that these procedures are only able to offer you a few additional percentages on top of standard IVF+ICSI procedures.

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